Marked for LIFE - Mark 4:21-34

Nov 5, 2023    Michael Craft

Summary of Message:

Jesus describes what a person who lives out what they are hearing Him preach looks like. They will have certain ‘marks’ upon them. They will be different. They will ultimately be… marked for LIFE.

Questions for your Family Devotions or Grace Group:

[Be ready to read Mark 4:21-34 throughout these questions.]


What was something that ministered to you from this passage and message?


Mark 4:21. How would you explain what it means that we were meant to ‘shine’? How does our fear of not ‘being accepted’ affect this. Galatians 1:10.


Mark 4:22. What are the freedoms a person could experience if they were to live their lives as though they had no secrets? It was mentioned that there are three people from whom we try to hide things: Ourselves, Others, and God, please discuss how a person does this.


Mark 4:25. How is the principle found in this verse illustrated in our physical bodies, our mental thinking, and our spiritual lives?


Mark 4:26-29. It was mentioned that many people who aren’t believers think we’re crazy to come week by week to study the Bible. How is planting ‘the Word’ in our hearts a miraculous way to see growth in us?


The final two points were: ‘Recognize an attack of the enemy’ and ‘have private times alone with Jesus’. Which of these is a more important ‘mark’ for a Christian? Why?


BONUS QUESTION IF YOU HAVE TIME: Read Ezekiel 9:1-4. What was different about those that were ‘marked’ and why did God save them? If the Lord sent someone with a writing kit throughout our area, what marks do you bare that would cause you to stand out from the crowd?